Content: What it Says

A website with good content is just plain more effective. And, while that may sound obvious, it bears repeating: a well-designed website that lacks good content will not be as effective as a poorly designed website with great content. As the old adage goes, content is king. Your website content is, generally, the reason why your visitor has come to your website in the first place. All the design, all the analyzing and planning, is done so that your information is presented to the visitor in a way that most effectively prompts them to act—to call you, to fill out your form, to schedule an appointment, or whatever it is you hope your visitor does. Great content has three parts: good writing, supporting media, and search engine optimization.

Copywriting & Marketing Strategies

Good, effective copywriting can make or break the marketing strategy of your website. If the writing engages and persuades visitors, then your website will have better conversions, period. To write engaging copy, we need to know who your target audience is, what they are looking for, and what they expect to find while visiting your website. If we have done our job correctly in the planning phase, we will have all the tools necessary to write highly effective content for your website, and at the end of the day, that means your website will bring in more customers.

Photos, Video, & Other Multimedia

When paired with good copy, photos and multimedia add additional marketing value to your content. Generally, people are very visual; a picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words. We can provide effective professional photography, graphics, or videos for your business.

Search Engine Optimization

Content is how Google and other search engines will compare your website, your web ranking and therefore your perceived expertise, with others. A website that is Search Engine Optimized (SEO) will have good content that is semantically marked up using a recognized microschema, and will present that content in a consistent and structured way.

We mentioned earlier that good SEO means presenting content in a consistent and structured way. Doing that requires much work behind-the-scenes. We need to include unique titles & descriptions for each page, various metatags, Open Graph tags, twitter cards, & titles/alts for links and images. These optimizations are essential for ensuring your website will rank well, and so that potential customers can find your website.

Next phase: Development